Sign up for an Audit

Yes – I request the performance of an external Audit for our common good report.

Audit sign up
Please select the chosen balance standard.
Please always register for an initial audit as an on-site audit.
(The peergroup will be displayed automatically)

Calculation details

Number of employees
Select the correct size of the company through the number of employees. We consider full-time equivalents as a basis. The price of your external audit (desk or visit audit) is calculated according to this information. These standard prices apply exclusively to small and medium organisations with their according complexity. If your company meets one of the following criteria, we will be happy to provide an individual audit offer: • Number of employees> 250 full time • Turnover > 50 mill. € per year • Total assets > 50 mill. • More than 2 headquarters • Activity in more than 2 sectors
If you wish to determine the previously selected price again, please open the collapsed menu of the form underneath this text. If this is not the case, please continue entering the company details.

Pricing details

Please expand this section for further pricing information if necessary
Our Common Good report meets the minimum requirement of 2-3 significant sentences per topic/aspect and contains answers to all questions concerning the report. The compulsory indicators are listed in tabular form. If not applicable, this will be explicitly stated.
Select date

Wir senden unseren Gemeinwohlbericht sowie den Gemeinwohlrechner bis (s. geplante Abgabe) an
Besser: Wir hängen sowohl den Bericht wie auch den Rechner hier an das Formular an (Felder s.u.).

We are members of an official ECG association and have payed the membership fee for this year.
Have you already applied for a balancing process?
Data already existing: Incorporate data!!
If you do not have an UID number, please enter "none".
Contact details of the person responsible for ECG affairs in the company:

Person responsible for accounting

If a different person is the contact person for accounting, please enter their details here (expand).
You can help us by entering the application year at the beginning of the names of your documents (e.g. 2019) and by avoiding spaces, special characters and dots. Instead, simply enter the name of the organisation and, depending on the document, "Report" or "Calculator". This would be optimal: 2019_Company_Report.docx 2019_Company_Calculator.xlsx As type of document please use PDF or the original file types of the extensions "*.xls" for the calculator and "*.docx" or "*.odt" for the report.

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

ECG report

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Excel balance calculator

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

ECG association membership confirmation
company logo

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

maschinenlesbare Dokumente

After sending this application you will receive an email with a confirmation link. Please follow the link and confirm your registration by clicking on the displayed page. Only then your registration will be officially completed. Thank you for entrusting us with an external audit.

ECOnGOOD Label contract

Label contract

Legal information on the use of the EconGood label. By checking this box, I confirm that I have read and respect the regulations.

A digital report is created by ticking this box. The access data will be sent to the applicant by email.
What happens now and to whom exactly is the information sent (transparency)?
Your data will be sent to the "audit back office".
The electronic registration of the audit request is received and processed on behalf of the ECG movement, represented by the "International Federation for the Economy for the Common Good e.V", VR 24207, Stresemannstr. 23, 22769 Hamburg.

The submission and confirmation of this application includes the consent and obligation to publish the audited/certified ECG report, both on the own company website as well as within the ECG information pages.

application ID (Admin addition)

CAS connection

workflow section peer evaluation

After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflowkriterien testiert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

report and certificate

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

workflow section audit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow criteria verified - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.
(EN) Wer und Datum (Liane, 2019-02-26)

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Additional documents to the application, e.g: Exemption certificate for non-profit organisations
the following fields are relevant only when an individual offer is mandatory:
offer steps
final offer

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

(max. 8 hours)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow criteria assigned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.
the expenses for a second auditor are only charged externally if it is necessary to nominate a second auditor. Company size >100

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow criteria audited - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.
Open: info geht? (Zukunft)
Links for eAudit:

🖧 📊 🖶 🔍

short note

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

start of audit after assignment
Last visit or last call
audit report filed
from product table
from individual offer
Offer: remaining hours after deduction from offer analysis

first auditor total amount (hours und EURO)

The basis for the auditor's fee consists of the external amount, unless special agreements were made.
Please enter the precise amount of working hours spent as a first auditor
Should normally be a fixed price unless agreed otherwise
Expenses are calculated separately for customers
Receipt first auditor to Vienna

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Please combine invoice and expense receipts in one PDF.
Please upload all files as PDF documents. (Please combine expense receipts in one PDF document).

total amount second auditor (hours and EURO)

The basis for the auditor's fee consists of the external amount, unless special agreements were made.
Please enter the precise amount of working hours spent as a second auditor (2A)
Should normally be a fixed price unless agreed otherwise
Expenses are calculated separately for customers
Invoice 2A to Vienna

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Please combine invoice and expense receipts in one PDF.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow criteria payment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - (Registration by certification authority) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.
Instead of simply adding check marks as done until now, the information regarding the dates of the activities are now entered here: date of issue of the invoice and date of payment reception
Control display of the current billing status. Outgoing/incoming receipts for accounting office.


hour amount from default or offer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow criteria tested - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.

Reissue certificate for this company Firma

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

internal only
Feedback questionnaire

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow criteria archived - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After entering the data, please adjust the Workflow field (below) accordingly.
Who and how

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow change display area - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"exam results:"
Preparation Workflow adjustment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workflow Notification - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(ONLY FOR TEST PURPOSES (RW): is activated automatically when the page is loaded.Workflow Init)
Workflow Submit