Company information (2)

Company details

Description Content
Balance: M5.0 Vollbilanz
Type of audit: Peerevaluation
Membership: Gründungsverein
Company/Organisation: Hirschmugl KG
Sector: Handel / Konsum
Company size: (2)3-10
Land, PLZ Ort: AT, 2393 – Sittendorf
recorded on: 27.05.2024
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Documents: /
valid until / result: /

Report history

ID Company Country Zip City Size Sector
176426 Hirschmugl KG AT 2393 Sittendorf (2)3-10 Handel / Konsum
Balance applications Balance valid until/points Report/Certficate
Hirschmugl KG
M5.0 Vollbilanz

Number of entries: 1

latest testate/certificate

Company Hirschmugl KG/176426/rfijq/176425