ECG Pioneer Company Profile

Company/Organisation: Münsterland gGmbH
Viefhoek 17
DE-48565 Steinfurt

Company brief description

Company and ECG

Report details

Description Content
Balance: M5.0 Kompaktbilanz
Type of audit: Peerevaluation
Membership: Deutschland
Company/Organisation: Ev. Jugendhilfe Münsterland gGmbH
Sector: Bildung / Universität / FH / Schulen
Website: pp
Company size: (7)>250
Land, PLZ Ort: DE, 48565 – Steinfurt
recorded on: 17.09.2021
– – – – – –
Documents: Report / Zertifikate
valid until / result: 31.10.2023 / 487
Audit certificate has expired.

The report history

ID Company Country Zip City Size Sector
46973 Münsterland gGmbH DE 48565 Steinfurt (3)11-25 Bildung / Universität / FH / Schulen
Balance applications Balance valid until/points Report/Certficate
Ev. Jugendhilfe Münsterland gGmbH
M5.0 Kompaktbilanz

Number of entries: 1

The most recent certificate