Handling of the WebTool for managing and viewing the consultant data

How do we work with this tool environment?
How does the data get in here?
How do I maintain my data?
How do I find colleagues?
How do I interact with a group?
What does my entry in the wiki look like?
What does my entry in the web directory on the website look like?

These questions and others are answered (or raised?) by the following description.
( User support: description of how to use the tool environment: 2021_Description_Consultant_process_v0.7 )
This description is a living document, so there may well be small deviations, then the documentation lags behind a bit, according to experience.

If someone of you would like to support?
Super gladly, report to me (Roland).

This is now about the handling of the web tool.

Part 1 of the tutorial, Profiler Editing.

Part 2 of the tutorial, Wiki directory.

Part 3 of the tutorial, web directory.

Part 4 of the tutorial, handling the wiki list in the webtool.
(Simple filtering)

Part 5 of the tutorial, handling the wiki list in the webtool
(Reporting Format)

Part 6 of the tutorial, handling the wiki list in the webtool
(Extended filtering)

Part 7 of the tutorial, The consultant profile in detail
(Sense and purpose of the fields in the profile)

Placeholder for another tutorial video

Placeholder for another tutorial video

On 16.06.2021 an introduction to the tool took place for the Austrian consultants. This zoom session was recorded with the consent of the participants.

The session was accompanied by the following guide: Presentation guide

Zoom recording, tool presentation.