All workflow-relevant changes for the saved consultant application can be made here.

Consultant registration

Tutoring path description

Lernweg für Gemeinden und öffentliche Hand

Consultants master data

E.g. in case of a previous audit or a registered peer evaluation.
To save time when filing: Copy data!
Enter ID or "no"

Unsere KoordinatorInnen haben sich nach Bundesländern/Regionen/Kanton organisiert. Wer für welches Bundesland, welche Region, welchen Kanton zuständig ist kannst du auf deiner nationalen Internetseite herausfinden.
Deshalb die Bitte: nur Eintragungen aus der Dropdownliste für die Regionszuordnung verwenden.
Wenn Euch Regionen fehlen, dann bitte bei den KoordinatorInnen melden.

address suffix

Contact details of the person responsible for ECG affairs in the company:

Person responsible for accounting

If a different person is the contact person for accounting, please enter their details here (expand).
If you already have an ECG account, please tick it here and enter your email address below.
This email is linked to your data access.
Your data access will be automatically activated shortly.
After sending this application you will receive an email with a confirmation link. Please follow the link and confirm your registration on the displayed page.
Only then your registration will be considered as complete.

Thank you for getting involved in ECG.

I agree with the necessary storage of my data.
data privacy policy *
I have read the Data Protection Regulation and agree to the procedure.
modification email
I wish to receive an email whenever my data are modified.
Im Falle einer Lernweganmeldung gehen die Daten darüberhinaus an die LernwegbegleiterInnen.
Die elektronische Erfassung des Auditauftrages wird im Auftrag der GWÖ Bewegung, vertreten durch den "International Federation for the Economy for the Common Good e.V", VR 24207, Stresemannstr. 23, 22769 Hamburg, entgegengenommen und weiterverarbeitet.
Die Abgabe und Bestätigung dieses Antrages beinhaltet die Zustimmung zur Veröffentlichung der Informationen eine/s/r zertifizierten GWÖ Berater*in innerhalb der GWÖ Auskunftsseiten.
wird automatisch belegt, bitte nicht ändern; Ausnahme: Nacherfassung

admin section

Wiki Information intern

We are members of an official ECG association and we have payed the membership fee for this year.

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

ECG association membership confirmation
As a tool to help you colleagues, here you can upload a file with your contacts.

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

active as consultant
active: I tutor companies, organisations
active in the ECG

It makes sense if you have made active contributions or indicated cooperations.

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

I attach here the signed consultant agreement.
Vorlage: hier herunterladen.
After uploading the consultant agreement when registering for the process please send "registration for certification process" - Thank you.
Link: hier Vorgangsmeldung öffnen. (neuer Tab).

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

Certification checklist. Hier download.
RE-Certification checklist: Hier download.

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

profile information (public, future)

website information (public)

my regional focus of action?
profile picture

Maximum file size: 1MB

company logo

Maximum file size: 16.78MB

CAS connection

Read CAS-SmartWe file for editing (GGUID must be available) - GET/PUT Verknüpfung mit Smartwe: SmartWe Adresse (please log in afterwards)

tutoring support

Lernwegbegleitung zertif. GWÖ BeraterIn Gemeinden (ISO)

consultants coordination

consultant blocked

certification office

(to discuss further)